Soil Savvy P.O. Box 1397, Walla Walla WA 99362-1397

Soil Savvy™ Analysis Report

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Michael O'leary
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NPK Fertilizer

Synthetic Fertilizer

No N-P-K Needed


Organic Fertilizer

No N-P-K Needed

NOTE: An Additional Micronutrient Application may be Beneficial

Target Area

Soil Savvy Results (ppm)

Optimal Range (ppm):
Your Soil (ppm):
Total N NO₃-N NH₄-N P K Ca Mg S Na
8-16 - - 4-10 30-55 90-175 15-35 6-12 1-20
28.13 19.78 8.35 48.75 80.15 338.13 62.86 84.21 14.12
Fe Mn Zn Cu B Al
2-4 2-4 0.1-0.2 0.05-0.1 0.1-0.2 1-5
1.8 11.54 0.15 0.24 0.79 9.92

soil savvy kit

Follow all manufacture’s guidelines for fertilizer use and handling.

Some recommendations may require split applications of fertilizer to achieve total recommended application amount. Additional testing may be warranted if you are concerned about proper plant health and/or the need for rescue treatments. Please visit or contact us at 1-800-535-2479 should you or your staff require additional assistance.

Note: Expressions are illustrated for normal plant growth. Available nutrients shown are derived under optimal moisture conditions. Based on your soil test, recommended additions and amendments are suggested to achieve optimal nutrient levels. Crop and plant needs may vary during the course of a growing cycle. Varying crop needs and conditions may require assistance from specialists such as those within your local garden center or extension office.

Key Soil Components & Roles in Plant Health


  • Nitrogen: an adequate supply of nitrogen is associated with vigorous vegetative growth and a plant’s dark green color.
  • Nitrates (N-NO3): Nitrogen in the form of nitrates are a readily available form of nitrogen not readily held on soil exchange sites and are prone to leaching if overused.
  • Ammonium (N-NH4): Nitrogen in the form of ammonium act as a source of nitrogen and has an acidifying effect on most soils.
  • Phosphorous (P-P2O5): Plays a vital role in plant reproduction (i.e., fruit production) as well as early root growth and development.
  • Potassium (K): Plays a key role in a vast array of physical processes vital for plant growth, from protein synthesis to maintenance of plant water.
  • Calcium (Ca): An integral part of plant cell walls. Proper soil pH rarely allows for deficiencies in most crops.
  • Magnesium (Mg): A key Component of the chlorophyll molecule, plays a critical role in photosynthesis.
  • Sulfur (S-SO4): Is a common component of plant proteins and vitamins. Elemental sulfur can lower soil pH in most soils.


  • Iron (Fe): Essential role in chlorophyll and photosynthesis.
  • Manganese (Mn): Roles in energy transfer and photosynthesis.
  • Zinc (Zn): Important in cell division and reproduction of genetic DNA.
  • Copper (Cu): Roles in photosynthesis and disease resistance.
  • Boron (B): Roles in sugar transport and cell wall properties.
  • Sodium (Na): Used in small quantities to aide in metabolism, synthesis of chlorophyll, and water movement. Excess can be detrimental.
  • Soil pH: Controls soil nutrient availability to plants. Most plants species do well in a pH range of 6.2 to 7.5 (except for acid loving plants such as blueberries, azalea, and rhododendrons).
  • N-P-K Fertilizer: Represents the percentage per weight of Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorous (P) in the form of Phosphate (P-P2O5) and Potassium (K) in the form of potash (K-K2O) in a fertilizer blend. For example, a 10-pound bag of fertilizer marked 10-5-10 would contain 1-pound (10% of 10-pounds) Nitrogen, 0.5-pounds (5% of 10-pounds) Phosphate, and 1-pound (10% of 10-pounds) Potash.